MCCSS Guidelines
Implementation Markers
Coordinated service planning implementation markers outline the steps each Coordinating Agency will need to achieve towards the full implementation of coordinated service planning. This document is intended to be used by Coordinating Agencies and their partners to assess their progress in achieving these steps and to inform their implementation and capacity building activities, to be outlined in their Implementation and Capacity Building Plans. The companion document, Coordinated Service Planning: Implementation and Capacity Building Plan Instructions and Template, provides more information about the requirements for the Implementation and Capacity Building Plans.
Capacity Building Plan Instructions
The companion document, Coordinated Service Planning: Implementation Markers, sets out the vision, goal and principles of coordinated service planning, as well as the implementation markers and a self-assessment tool for Coordinating Agencies to assess their implementation progress.
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Guidelines for Children’s Community Agencies, Health Service Providers and District School Boards
These policy guidelines set out provincial expectations for the provision of family-centred, local coordinated service planning, for special needs services, for children and youth with multiple and/or complex special needs.1 The ministries expect that all organizations from the children’s services, education, and health sectors will collaborate,2 in order to provide a coordinated and seamless service experience for children and youth3 with multiple and/or complex special needs and their families.
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Integrated Delivery of Rehabilitation Services
This document sets out provincial expectations for the provision of integrated rehabilitation services for children and youth1 with special needs. These guidelines are applicable to all agencies/entities involved in serving children with rehabilitation service needs, including children’s services agencies, community service agencies, health service providers and District School Boards.
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